eric.abouaf (at gmail)
Fix HTTPS https://github.com/neyric/w... was committed by Flaviu Tamas
Tuesday May 30
changeset -
Merge pull request #98 from flaviut/g... was committed by Eric Abouaf 09:25 AM changeset
Replace links with https https://gith... was committed by Flaviu Tamas 09:25 AM changeset
Merge pull request #99 from flaviut/m... was committed by Eric Abouaf 09:25 AM changeset
doc(project): regenerate docs https:/... was committed by maximerety
Sunday Nov 01
changeset -
doc(project): regenerate docs https:/... was committed by maximerety 08:25 PM changeset
fix(readme): shifter branch is no mor... was committed by maximerety 08:09 PM changeset
doc(release): add a gemfile to use Je... was committed by maximerety 08:09 PM changeset
Build https://github.com/clicrdv/inpu... was committed by Arnaud Didry 07:52 PM changeset
Fix setClassFromState redefinitions t... was committed by Arnaud Didry 07:52 PM changeset